Quillabamba Jungle - Southern Peru
The valley of Quillabamba is filled with Cacao, Coffee, Tea and Coca, the valley of stimulants! We will go on an adventure visiting various organic farms that produce our favorite products like chocolate and tea. We will also visit the magnificent "Pongo de Mainique" which is a beautiful canyon with cascading waterfalls and stunning wildlife.

~Valley of Stimulants: Quillabamba Amazonian Expedition~
-Day One (1)-
*Leave from San Blas plaza in the morning around 8am.
*Travel for 3-4 hours to the city of Quillabamba.
*Visit the local markets for interesting products, medicines and foods produced in the area. Look for rare and exotics fruits like Jackfruit, Copuacu, Native Peruvian Cacao varieties, different varieties of Coffee to taste.
*Sleep in the hostel in Quillabamba.
-Day Two (2)-
*Breakfast in Quillabamba.
*Visit the petroglyphs and waterfall nearby. visit the enigmatic petroglyphs of "Siete Tinajas" ("Seven Jars/Containers/Vessels?)
*Transport from Quillabamba to Finca Nueva California (Tintiniquiato)
*Stay on the farm to learn about organic Cacao, Coffee, Coca and fruits from Rimberti and Clavelina who can explain their farming system and way of life in the jungle. See how Coffee, Cacao, Tea and Coca are produced in the jungle. Organic farming practices, agroforestry systems in production and how Amazonians farm in the jungle.
*Sleep the night in basic accomodation in the house on the farm.
-Day Three (3)-
*Have an extra day on the farm to explore the jungle, the agroforestry system and try some local produce with the chance to buy pure Cacao and other products.
*Free time to relax, eat, explore and talk to the family. Could also include the optional things below.
*Sleep the night in basic accommodation in the house on the farm.
-Day Four (4)-
*(For those who wish to RETURN TO CUSCO in private transport)
*Breakfast on the farm.
*Transport to Quillabamba.
*Lunch in Quillabamba.
*Return to Cusco by late evening.

*(For those who wish to continue on an INFORMAL TOUR, we will have the following days to hopefully explore more farms and meet more people potentially further into the jungle or down the Urubamba river.
*This part of the trip will be very flexible and suitable for adventurous, adaptable people who wish to spend more time in the jungle to delve deeper into the area, learn more or search out specific products.
*People have the choice to return to Quillabamba and Cusco any day depending on their personal choice or as a group choice.
(There are no taxis so transport may include local Camionetas, motorbikes, trucks or cars where you will pay the driver a negotiated price back to Quillabamba where a van can be found to take to Cusco)
>OPTIONAL- These are things we can do to fill down time or if people choose to stay longer for the informal tour/volunteer expedition:
Visit native Machiguenga communities.
Take a boat to the Pongo de Manique.
Quechua Language Class.
Ethnobotany & Sacred Plants of Peru Lecture.
Crop diversity and food security into the future lecture
Collect seeds from varieties of fruits to be propagated on farms elsewhere in the Amazon.