Huasao Witch's Village - Southern Peru
The village of Huasao is a sleepy little town just outside of Cusco with a dark secret... it is a village of "brujos", witches. Near this village lies the Inca ruins of Tipon. A vast system of aqueducts and terraces. An even more ancient site in the area is Pikillaqta made by the Huari. Due to their proximity to Cusco and each other we can visit all three locations in one day!

It is possible to combine this trip with a visit to the ruins of Tipon and Pikillacta which are very close to the Witch's Village of Huasao. The price is 100-300 soles ($30-80 USD) per person depending on the size of the group, mode of transport, the exact itinerary, etc., please inquire for prices at info@EthnoCO.com!

View of the Ruins of Pikillaqta, an ancient Huari site about 15 minutes from the Witch's Village.
We can also visit the nearby ruins of Tipon and Pikillaqta. We can hike above the ruins to see ancient and enigmatic petroglyphs!
While most of the trip is covered be sure to bring a little extra money to pay for food, souvenirs, etc., all other costs are included. Keep in mind this is an adventure and we have to take it as it comes. While we will certainly visit the witches, see the ruins of Tipon and Pikillaqta this may unfold in an unknown way. We must be patient and respectful. Only those with a brave and adventurous spirit should undertake this journey!
We will leave out of Cusco around 9am taking a private car to the small village of Huasao, about a 30 minute ride outside of Cusco. When we arrive we will take a short walk around the village and discuss the history, culture and mythology of this enigmatic place. After viewing the town we will visit the witches. The "brujos" (or witches) of Huasao conduct business out of their homes in "shamanic offices" filled with mummified condors, human skulls, candles, potions and a vast array of mystical and ceremonial items. One by one we will enter the dark room. The "brujo" will shake rattles, say prayers to spirits and read our fortunes by observing the pattern in which coca leaves falling onto the table. Each person is allowed to ask questions in private (with the aid of a translator if needed) to the "brujo" in order to learn about their future or how to solve problems in their life.
The Inca Ruins of Tipon which we may also visit. These are very close to the Witch's Village. Far above the Ruins are some enigmatic petroglyphs!